1. Returned goods are accepted only in the original packaging and with a tag, an attached return form and proof of purchase, within a period not exceeding 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods from the seller. Otherwise, returns will be rejected.

2. The Goods returned by the Customer should be packaged in an appropriate manner to ensure that the shipment is not damaged during transport.

3. The customer is liable for REFUSAL TO ACCEPT THE RETURN OF THE GOODS if he has used it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to determine its nature, characteristics and functioning and if it shows traces of use.

We refund the payment to the bank account number provided in the refund form.

How to make a return?

1. Complete the return form

2. You will receive an email with a return form to the provided email address.

3. Print the email and attach it to the package along with the receipt.


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