1.1. The organizer of the Vanilias Club is ESTETIC LINE SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ with its registered office in Gdańsk (registered office address and correspondence address: ul. Stężycka 54/36, 80-174 Gdańsk), entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0001081809; registry court where the company's documentation is kept: District Court Gdańsk - Północ in Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; share capital in the amount of: PLN 5,000.00; NIP: 5833498831, REGON: 527472739, e-mail address: and telephone number: 576 986 277.
1.2. The Vanilias Club is organized in the Online Store run by the Organizer at:
1.3. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the organization of the Vanilias Club is the Organizer. Personal data are processed for the purposes, for the period and based on the grounds and principles indicated in point 5 of these Regulations. Providing personal data by the Customer is voluntary, although failure to provide personal data to the extent necessary to join the Vanilias Club results in the inability to participate in the Vanilias Club.
1.4. To the extent not regulated by these Regulations (including terms beginning with a capital letter not defined below), the regulations of the Online Store available at:


2.1. The terms used in these Regulations mean:
1.1.1. PARTICIPANT, CUSTOMER - (1) a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided for by generally applicable regulations, also a natural person with limited legal capacity; (2) legal entity; or (3) an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by law - which intends to participate or is participating in the Vanilias Club.
1.1.2. ORGANIZER, SELLER - ESTETIC LINE SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ with its registered office in Gdańsk (registered office address and correspondence address: ul. Stężycka 54/36, 80-174 Gdańsk), entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0001081809; registry court where the company's documentation is kept: District Court Gdańsk - Północ in Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; share capital in the amount of: PLN 5,000.00; NIP: 5833498831, REGON: 527472739, e-mail address: and telephone number: 576 986 277.
1.1.3. PRODUCT – a movable item available in the Online Store that is the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
1.1.4. VANILIAS CLUB - loyalty program, i.e. a public promise within the meaning of the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, organized for Customers by the Organizer via the Online Store in accordance with these Regulations.
1.1.5. POINTS - a form of reward awarded to the Participant by the Organizer for concluding and making payments under Sales Agreements in the Online Store.
1.1.6. REGULATIONS – these regulations specifying the conditions of participation and use of the Vanilias Club.
1.1.7. ONLINE STORE – the Organizer's online store available at the Internet address:
1.1.8. SALES AGREEMENT - a Product sales agreement concluded or concluded between the Customer and the Seller via the Online Store.


3.1. Any customer can participate in the Vanilias Club. Joining the Vanilias Club takes place automatically by creating an Account in the Online Store.
3.2. Once the Account is created, the Customer can collect and exchange Points within the Vanilias Club. The use of the Vanilias Club and the collected Points is free and voluntary.
3.3. A customer participating in the Vanilias Club is obliged to provide data consistent with the actual situation. The Customer is obliged, in the event of a change in the provided data, to update it from the Account level.
3.4. The Customer is obliged to use the Vanilias Club in accordance with its assumptions and intended use, in a manner consistent with the law and good practices, taking into account the respect for the personal rights and copyrights and intellectual property of the Organizer and third parties. The Customer is prohibited from taking actions aimed at circumventing the terms of participation and use of the Vanilias Club.
3.5. In order to maintain proper communication between the Organizer and the Participant on matters related to the Vanilias Club, the Participant may receive notifications from the Organizer sent by e-mail (to the e-mail address assigned to the Account), informing, among others: about the Participant's current progress in the Vanilias Club, including the Points balance, as well as new benefits and discounts to which the Vanilias Club entitles them.


4.1. The Vanilias Club is valid until further notice. The Vanilias Club may be canceled at any time with a notice period of no less than 30 calendar days from the date the Participant is notified of the cancellation.
4.2. Points are awarded to the Participant according to the conversion rate: each PLN 1 spent - 2 points (Points are calculated on the gross price of the Product, excluding delivery costs and other fees that do not constitute the price of the Product).
4.3. Points are awarded to the Participant no earlier than upon the execution of the Sales Agreement, i.e. receipt of the full payment by the Organizer and delivery of the Product to the Customer.
4.4. Points are permanently assigned to the Customer Account from which the purchase was made. Points are non-transferable and cannot be transferred to another Account or to a third party. Points cannot be exchanged for cash or monetary equivalent.
4.5. Points are valid on the Customer's Account for a period of 365 days from the date of their collection - after this period, the Points expire, unless the Customer exchanges them earlier in accordance with these Regulations.
4.6. If the Participant withdraws from the Sales Agreement, the Participant is not entitled to Points awarded for the Product for which he or she withdrew from the Sales Agreement. If the Points were accrued before withdrawal from the contract, they will be deducted from the balance on his Account after the Participant withdraws from this contract.
4.7. The Participant can check the balance of their Points at any time from their Account.
4.8. Points may be exchanged for one-time discounts available after the Participant logs in to the Account in the Online Store. Points can be exchanged (1) directly from the Account level in the "My points" tab - in this case the discount is saved on the Account for future use for the selected Order or (2) when placing the Order by clicking the "Exchange points for a voucher" button "discount" - in this case the discount is calculated immediately for the current Order.
4.9. Upon completion of the exchange, the balance on the Participant's Account is automatically reduced by the number of Points required to obtain a given discount. The condition for exchange is each time that the Participant has a sufficient number of Points corresponding to the selected discount.
4/10 Points do not constitute a means of payment outside the Online Store. Points cannot be exchanged for cash or any other form of compensation.
4/11. If a Customer who is a consumer withdraws without giving a reason within 14 days from the Sales Agreement for a Product purchased with a discount for the above-mentioned Points, the Organizer restores this discount to the Customer's Account to be used for future Orders.
4/12. Points and discounts received as part of the Vanilias Club cannot be combined with other promotions and discounts in the Online Store, unless separate terms and conditions of a given promotion or discount provide otherwise.


5.1. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations is the Organizer (hereinafter: "Administrator"). Personal data are processed in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - hereinafter referred to as "GDPR" or "GDPR Regulation".
5.2. The Administrator processes personal data for the purposes, for the period and based on the principles indicated in this point of the Regulations. Providing personal data is voluntary, although failure to provide personal data necessary to use the Vanilias Club results in the inability to use it. The Administrator takes special care to protect the interests of persons whose personal data he processes, and in particular he is responsible and ensures that the data collected by him are: (1) processed in accordance with the law; (2) collected for specified lawful purposes and not subjected to further processing that is incompatible with those purposes; (3) substantively correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed; (4) stored in a form enabling identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, and (5) processed in a way that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational means. Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of violating the rights and freedoms of natural persons with varying probability and severity of threat, the Administrator implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that processing takes place in accordance with the GDPR Regulation and to be able to demonstrate this. These measures are reviewed and updated as necessary. The Administrator uses technical measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data sent electronically.
5.3. The administrator is entitled to process personal data in cases where and to the extent that at least one of the following conditions is met: (1) the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. ; (2) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject before concluding the contract; (3) processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation imposed on the Administrator; or (4) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data , in particular when the data subject is a child.
5.4. The processing of personal data by the Administrator always requires at least one of the grounds indicated above. The specific grounds for processing personal data of Vanilias Club Participants by the Administrator are indicated in the next point of the Regulations - in relation to the given purpose of processing personal data by the Administrator.


Purpose of data processing
Running the Vanilias Club by the Organizer or taking action at the request of the data subject before joining the Vanilias Club

Legal basis for data processing
Article 6(1) 1 letter f) GDPR Regulations (legitimate interest of the administrator) - processing is necessary for the purposes arising from the legitimate interests of the Administrator - consisting in the implementation of the objectives of the Vanilias Club by the Organizer

Data storage period
The data is stored for the period of participation in the Vanilias Club, i.e. until the Participant's participation in the Vanilias Club is terminated, canceled or otherwise expires.

Purpose of data processing
direct marketing

Legal basis for data processing
Article 6(1) 1 letter f) GDPR Regulations (legitimate interest of the administrator) - processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the Administrator - consisting in taking care of the interests and good image of the Administrator, his Vanilias Club and striving to sell Products

Data storage period
The data is stored for the duration of the legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the period of limitation of the Administrator's claims against the data subject in connection with the business activity conducted by the Administrator. The limitation period is determined by legal provisions, in particular the Civil Code (the basic limitation period for claims related to running a business is three years, and in the case of concluding a Sales Agreement - two years).

The administrator may not process data for direct marketing purposes if the data subject expresses an effective objection in this respect.

Purpose of data processing
Determining, pursuing or defending claims that may be raised by the Administrator or that may be raised against the Administrator in connection with the Vanilias Club
Legal basis for data processing
Article 6(1) 1 letter f) GDPR Regulations (legitimate interest of the administrator) - processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the Administrator - consisting in determining, pursuing or defending claims that may be raised by the Administrator or that may be raised against the Administrator
Data storage period
The data is stored for the duration of the legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the limitation period for claims that may be raised against the Administrator (the basic limitation period for claims against the Administrator is six years).

5.6. It must be used by the Administrator

 from the services of external entities. The Administrator only uses the services of such processing entities that provide sufficient guarantees of implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR and protects the rights of data subjects. The administrator provides data only when it is necessary to achieve a given purpose of personal data processing and only to the extent necessary to achieve it. Customers' personal data may be transferred to the following recipients or categories of recipients:

1.1.9. service providers supplying the Administrator with technical, IT and organizational solutions enabling the Administrator to conduct business activities, including the Vanilias Club (in particular suppliers of software for managing the company and providing technical assistance to the Administrator) - the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to a selected supplier acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve the given purpose of data processing in accordance with this point. 5 of the Regulations.
1/1/10. providers of legal and advisory services providing the Administrator with accounting, legal or advisory support (in particular a law firm or debt collection company) - the Administrator makes the collected personal data of the Customer available to a selected supplier acting on its behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve a given purpose of data processing in accordance with this point 5 of the Regulations.
5.7. Each Participant has the following rights:
1/1/11. The right of access, rectification, restriction, deletion or transfer - the data subject has the right to request from the Administrator access to his or her personal data, rectification, deletion ("right to be forgotten") or limitation of processing and the right to object to processing, and also has the right to transfer his data. Detailed conditions for exercising the above-mentioned rights are indicated in Art. 15-21 of the GDPR Regulations.
1/1/12. The right to withdraw consent at any time - a person whose data is processed by the Administrator on the basis of consent (pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) or Art. 9 section 2 letter a) of the GDPR), the data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
1/1/13. The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the person whose data is processed by the Administrator has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the manner and manner specified in the provisions of the GDPR Regulation and Polish law, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act. The supervisory authority in Poland is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
1/1/14. The right to object - the data subject has the right to object at any time - for reasons related to his or her particular situation - to the processing of his or her personal data based on Art. 6 section 1 letter e) (public interest or tasks) or f) (legitimate interest of the administrator), including profiling based on these provisions. In such a case, the Administrator is no longer allowed to process this personal data, unless he demonstrates the existence of valid legally justified grounds for processing, overriding the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims.
1/1/15. The right to object to direct marketing - if personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of his or her personal data for the purposes of such marketing, including profiling, to the extent that what processing is related to such direct marketing.
1/1/16. In order to exercise the rights referred to in this point. 5 of the Regulations, you can contact the Administrator by sending an appropriate message in writing or by e-mail to the Administrator's address indicated at the beginning of the Regulations.


6.1. The Customer may resign from participation in the Vanilias Club at any time and without giving a reason by deleting his/her Account, which may be done by sending an appropriate declaration to the Organizer, for example in writing to the following address: ul. Stężycka 54/36, 80-174 Gdańsk or via e-mail: Resignation from participation in the Vanilias Club will take place immediately after receiving a statement from the Customer.


7.1. Complaints related to the Vanilias Club may be submitted by the Customer, for example, to the following address: ul. Stężycka 54/36, 80-174 Gdańsk or via e-mail:
7.2. It is recommended to provide in the description of the complaint as much information and circumstances as possible regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the irregularity and the contact details of the person filing the complaint - this will facilitate and speed up the processing of the complaint by the Organizer. The requirements set out in the previous sentence are only recommendations and do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.
7.3. The Organizer will respond to the complaint immediately, no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.


8.1. The Vanilias Club is run in Polish, and the law applicable to the Vanilias Club is Polish law.
8.2. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations for important reasons, i.e.: changes in legal provisions; changes in the Points converter in the Vanilias Club; adding, changing or removing benefits covered by the Vanilias Club; improving the quality of service or safety of Participants - to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations. The amended Regulations are binding on the Participant if the requirements specified in Art. 384 and 384[1] of the Civil Code, i.e. the Participant was properly notified about the changes and did not terminate his participation in the Vanilias Club within 15 days from the date of notification. If a change to the Regulations results in the introduction of any fees or an increase in current fees, the Participant who is a consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract. The change to the Regulations does not affect already concluded, implemented and executed Sales Agreements or Points and discounts granted to Participants.
8.3. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and other relevant provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply.


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